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Partner with the ACF Tampa Bay Culinary Association, Inc

The Tampa Bay Culinary Association, Inc. a chapter of the American Culinary Federation (ACF) is offering our purveyors, brokers, and associate members the opportunity to Partner with us through the ACF Tampa Bay Culinary Association’s website. ACF Tampa Bay is proud of its new website and wants you to have the opportunity to reach our chefs through this medium. As one of the leading voices in the culinary industry for the Tampa Bay area our chapter’s website is now being viewed by hundreds of members and non-members daily.


As an ACF Partner you will receive a one year partnership.  We are offering two levels of partnership. One is sure to fit the needs of your company.


The revenues generated by our ACF Tampa Bay Partners program will be used to help fund the local charities that the ACF Tampa Bay Association has supported over the years. Along with these, revenue will also help our culinary students, Chefs Move to Schools program, seminars and daily expenses of the chapter.


I would like in advance to thank you for your continued support of this great chapter and its chefs. Without your support we as chefs could not accomplish so much good. 


Thank You,

Rene J. Marquis CEC, CCE, CCA, AAC

Chairman of the Board

ACF Tampa Bay Culinary Association


ACF Tampa Bay Culinary Association, Inc

Website Partner Program


Gold Partner - $500/year



  • Logo on Chapter website with a link to the company’s website

  • Logo on Chapter email communications

  • Logo on Chapter signage at all Chapter functions and fundraisers

  • Logo placed in the e-newsletter template for all news blasts and the president's message.


Silver Partner - $300/year



  • Name on Chapter website

  • Name on Chapter email communications

  • Name on Chapter signage at all functions and fundraisers

  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter

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